Case Study – Improving Patient Flow From Gynaecology Services to Whole-of-System

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Case Study – Improving Patient Flow From Gynaecology Services to Whole-of-System
This case study tells the story of specialists, general practitioners, and managers working together to redesign a publicly funded health service. The outcomes of the redesign include: - A seamless and predicted patient journey. - Reduced outpatient attendances (both First Specialist Assessments “FSAs” and Follow-Ups “FUs”). - The rate of FSAs going on to have hospital treatment reaching 95%. - Improved relationships between GPs, SMOs and the Gynaecology Services. - An up-skilled primary health sector. - Models of engagement and redesign processes that are being replicated across many other services
Case Study – Improving Patient Flow From Gynaecology Services to Whole-of-System. (2016).
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