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Implementing HealthPathways across Queensland: a case study

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Implementing HealthPathways across Queensland: a case study
This case study aims to describe the implementation of HealthPathways in the Australian state of Queensland. Queensland presents an interesting case because HealthPathways was implemented within a policy context of addressing equity of access to care, within the wider context of a state Outpatient Strategy and Clinical Prioritisation Criteria. HealthPathways in Queensland were, uniquely, developed in a collaborative manner across the state, with Queensland Health taking a central role in funding the HealthPathways license and providing facilitation and support for localities.
Sapere Research Group
16 May 2019
Love, T. (2019). Implementing HealthPathways across Queensland: a case study. Sapere Research Group. http://www.srgexpert.com/publications/implementing-healthpathways-across-queensland-a-case-study/
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