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Evaluation of Hunter & New England HealthPathways Phase 2 Report

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Evaluation of Hunter & New England HealthPathways Phase 2 Report
Hunter & New England HealthPathways (H&NE HealthPathways) is an initiative to improve the management and referral of patients by General Practitioners (GP) and Hunter New England Local Health District (HNE) clinical specialists, and to facilitate the redesign of clinical processes to achieve such an improvement. It seeks to achieve these outcomes through the collaborative development of web-based clinical pathways by primary and specialist care clinicians. An evaluation of H&NE HealthPathways was undertaken to describe: 1) changes over time in patient referral and access to specialist care; 2) the implementation of associated clinical redesign initiatives, and 3) change over time in, and the pattern of, H&NE HealthPathways website usage.
Wiggers, J., O’Dea, I., Gray, J., Lynch, M., Tay, T., Hay, L., Mackenzie, M., Swan, J., & Harrison, K. (2015). Evaluation of Hunter & New England HealthPathways Phase 2 Report.
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