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Phase 1 (Process) Evaluation of Western Sydney HealthPathways
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- McDonald, Bob (Author)
Phase 1 (Process) Evaluation of Western Sydney HealthPathways
HealthPathways is a web-based clinical information portal containing best practice, evidence-based information aimed at improving the effective integration of primary and acute healthcare services and limiting clinical variation. In Western Sydney, HealthPathways is based on a three-way partnership between WentWest (Western Sydney Primary Health Network), Western Sydney Local Health District (LHD) and Sydney Children’s Hospital Network Westmead (SCHN Westmead). By 30 April 2016, 225 pathways had been developed locally by clinicians from the primary and acute care sectors working together.
The Phase 1 evaluation approach reported here was developed with the following aims:
1) Identify drivers for change that can be facilitated by the HealthPathways initiative in Western Sydney.
2) Document the models used in developing Western Sydney HealthPathways to April 2016, including the process for selecting pathways for development.
3) Examine the effectiveness of current HealthPathways processes
4) Identify areas for future improvement and investigation
BMcD Consulting
McDonald, B. (2016). Phase 1 (Process) Evaluation of Western Sydney HealthPathways. BMcD Consulting.
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